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"amazing range of comic books. Service is the best"

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€ 26.00
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Writer: James, Keroko
Artist: James, Keroko
Publisher: GMC
Ordercode: FEB241914
Publication Date: 03/04/2024
Manga-Japanese graphic novel and comic strip art based on line drawings of characters noted for their highly stylized facial features-is one of the most popular forms of comic illustration today. This book is for anyone interested in drawing manga, from beginners who want to learn the basics of drawing figures and poses to more experienced artists who are keen to discover the key techniques and details that make manga art so distinct. Each project covers an element of drawing manga, from faces, body shapes and proportions to different angles and expressions and creating action poses. This bite-size approach allows the reader to build up their skills and confidence before they create more ambitious drawings of their own.

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