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€ 19.50
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Designer: Caezar Al-Jassar; Simon Milburn
Play Time: 10-15 min
Players: 2-4
Age: 6+
Ordercode: 035ACG
Publication Date: 31/12/2022

As the Commander of a team of Catstronauts, you’ll take on fast-paced missions to visit planets across the solar system and rescue poor helpless kittens!

From the designers of Kittin, Catstronauts is a family speed and sequence game where players race to match their numbered catstronauts to each of the planet cards in the correct order.

With 16 ‘meeples’ that can be customized with 16 unique cat face stickers, players can build their purr-fect team of expert Catstronauts.

Catstronauts comes in the same small tin you expect and love from Kittin!

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