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"Het valhalla voor de comicgeek"

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Sinister Sons
€ 4.00
Writer: Peter J. Tomasi
Artist: David Lafuente
Cover Artist: Brad Walker & Andrew Hennessy
Publisher: DC Comics
Series: Sinister Sons
Ordercode: 1223DC017
Publication Date: 13/02/2024
MEET DC'S DEVIOUS NEW DUO! They're bad to the bone, ready to brawl, and the sons of two of the deadliest villains in the galaxy: they're the Sinister Sons and the DC Universe will never be the same! When the son of General Zod was cast off of his adopted homeworld of New Kandor, Lor-Zod runs afoul of a kid on a mission: Sinson is out to prove he's got what it takes to live up to the family name of Sinestro! But all is not as it seems, and the sons' journeys will take them into the heart of darkness in this sensational first issue! Superstar Super Sons scribe Peter J. Tomasi returns to the world of DC youth once again--joined by fan-favorite artist David Lafuente--to craft one of the most dynamic debuts of a duo in DCU history!

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