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Secret Six
€ 4.12
Writer: Nicole Maines
Artist: Stephen Segovia
Cover Artist: Stephen Segovia
Publisher: DC Comics
Series: Secret Six
Ordercode: 0125DC074
Publication Date: 05/03/2025
WHO WILL CONTROL THE SECRETS OF THE DC UNIVERSE? In the wake of Absolute Power, the Justice League has returned, the war criminal Amanda Waller is in prison, and things are finally getting back to normal...that is, until Dreamer, Jon Kent, and Jay Nakamura discover that Waller has somehow vanished into thin air from her cell! With seemingly no leads and nothing but questions (and enough trauma to fill a swimming pool), our three heroes are forced to team up with the bad guys--Deadshot, Catman, and Black Alice--to track down Waller, reclaim the infinite trove of secrets in her head, and uncover what the deal is with all these freakin' chess pieces they keep seeing around...all without letting their own individual secrets tear them apart from the inside. From acclaimed writer and actress Nicole Maines (Supergirl) and superstar artist Stephen Segovia (Spawn), the Secret Six are back in an all-new high-stakes, twist-filled limited series!

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