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"Het valhalla voor de comicgeek"

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€ 21.00
Writer: Wazuka, Inochi
Artist: Wazuka, Inochi
Cover Artist: Wazuka, Inochi
Publisher: PROJECT H
Ordercode: MAY141418
Publication Date: 30/07/2014
Haruku gives Saki some discipline after she finds they share a very special talent with dice. Akane gives lessons on mixing delicious cocktails with one juicy key ingredient. Hirai admires her new neighbor's intimate gardening techniques. Two sisters get schooled by their aunt on how to care for a large home (and each other). The 'Charismatic Housewife,' Tomoi, is interviewed about her refined cheese making process - a real delicacy! Two brokers go to battle to win the most pleasing products at the dildo market. A caring mother must teach her daughter's school nutritionist how to keep hair out of the meal plans. And Master Yoshie coaches young Yoshimasa on diver techniques that leave the men at the harbor. These women come equipped to please themselves and one another in Inochi Wazuka's eight throbbing and slippery hermaphrodite adventures!!

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