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€ 4.50
Ordercode: 5035167000490ES
Publication Date: 21/08/2021

Milliput is a epoxy putty used by modellers for all kind of applications. Each package contains two separate bars, one of which is a hardener. Upon mixing an equal quantity of each different bar the material starts to harden, and hardens fully in 90 minutes, after which it can be carved, sanded, drilled, and sculpted over.

If you are interrupted while you are mixing Milliput, you can put the Milliput into a deep freezer until you can get back to work. This will keep the product at approximately the same state of setting at which it was frozen for up to 24 hours


-        In combination with water will allow to get extra smooth surfaces.

-        It allows you easily to merge new layers of milliput over

-        It will not get stuck to your either your fingers or your tools

-        Once dried, it can be carved, sanded and drilled

-        Once dried, it remains very hard and resistance. You may mix it with Plasticine or other clays to save putty reducing it hardness.

-        Heat resistance up to 130ºC.

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